Horror stories

 It is a frightening true story about a group of guides in the summer camp, who hear the sound of crying asking for help in the middle of the night

When I was 19, I worked as a guide in a summer camp, it was really great, with a wooden cabin and a lake, the camp was surrounded by dense forests, there was nothing but trees and grooves, the nearest city was more than 20 miles away, and one night, when everyone had turned to sleep, everything looked normal, and I woke up suddenly in the middle o

My heartbeat was racing some for no apparent reason, me and the world around me calm down, I kept hearing attentively, and the cabin was all wooden, so I could only hear the sound of cockroaches and a breeze blowing through the trees, that's when I heard that, a very faint cry asking for help, it seemed like it was coming from the The direction of the next sound, we went to the female guide, and she had also heard screams from her side in the camp, all three of us headed into the woods together.

The sound was intermittent, but we could clearly hear the girl’s voice saying: Help!, or I’m lost!, very regularly, the direction of the voice is quite clear that she was in the woods, it looked like she was in distress, we hurried so we could get her and bring her back to the camp safely.

The world was very dark that night, and we all had to see the way with the little scouts with us, her affections there was a distant girl who were reluctant to go too far in the woods because we don't want to get lost in the dark, whenever we called the girl and heard her reply, it seemed too far away.

And after walking for about five minutes, we heard her cry, so we knew she was nearby, it looked like she was only a few feet away, and we can hear her, I'm scared! Where am I?, in a low voice, we kept trying to reassure her and only when we felt right next to her, she suddenly shut up, we're here! Where are you?, but there was no answer. Then after a distance, we heard her voice again: and crying helped me! I'm lost ! Come quickly!, we started heading towards the sound of her screams and only when we felt like we were on her head again, she shut up, we called her waited for her to answer nothing, then, after that, we heard her voice again: Help! Why can’t you help me We all looked at each other and without a word, we decided to go back to the camp, the girl told us and told her we would get help and we would come back with a research team.

The three of us went back to the camp and launched the big bell in the main office to alert the entire camp to an emergency, the camp manager turned on the lights, we all gathered for the call of names and counting, they started by calling the names of the guides, we were all present and then they gave the names of the camps, and all the children were present, no But what about the girl’s voice?

The camp manager considered it a false alarm, said that what we heard should just echoes of our voices, and they sent us to bed, the three of us knew what we heard was not resonance, this sound was leading us into the forest, further every time and to this day, I have no idea what this is? This was pretty much the scary thing, the female guide thought it was a paranormal thing, but none of us could explain it, the guide who was my companion refused to talk about it, and whenever we talked about it, he said if it was just echo sounds, but when I looked into his eyes, I could see that he was scared to death, he just wanted to convince himself that this didn’t happen.

We’re done see you later
